Easy Plugin for AdSense provides a very easy way to generate revenue from your blog using Google AdSense. With its full set of features, Easy Plugin for AdSense is perhaps the first plugin to give you a complete solution for everything AdSense-related. The admin interface of this plugin uses a highly functional and modern interface based on the twitter bootstrap framework with generous, context-sensitive help on every single option.
Sunset Edition
This update of the plugin is the last publicly released version. We do not expect to make any serious changes or add new features to it from now on.We may not always be able to provide prompt support for this plugin on the WordPress.org forums. If you would like to have professional support or extra/custom features, consider buying the Pro version
If you have multiple blogs or websites where you would like your ads to appear, you may want to try Ads EZ - a personal ad server fully compatible with this plugin. It is also available in the WordPress plugin directory.
Live Demo
Easy AdSense admin interface is feature-rich, user-friendly and functional. Please visit this fully operational live demo site to see what it can do for you.
Now available in your language using Google Translate.
- Beautifully designed, fully responsive, intuitive interface.
- Inline editing and instant saving of your options with AJAX (no more form submit/refresh etc.)
- Enforces the Google AdSense policy of not more than three adsense blocks per page.
- Sidebar Widgets:
- For AdSense block with custom title.
- For search with customizable text or image title.
- For Link Units.
- Rich set of Options:
- Put Link Units or AdSense Blocks in header or footer.
- Suppress ads on all pages (as opposed to posts), or on the front/home page.
- Add a customizable mouse-over border decoration on ad blocks.
- Display adsense blocks based on the post length.
- Control over the positioning and display of AdSense blocks in each post or page.
- Simplest possible configuration interface -- nothing more than cutting and pasting AdSense code, and with sensible defaults for the few options present, all with clear instructions.
- Popover help for every option in the plugin.
- An interface tour to familiarize yourself with the plugin features and layout.
- Ability to spawn the plugin interface as a separate tab/window independent of the WordPress admin interface.
Pro Version
Easy Plugin for AdSense is the freely distributed version of a premium plugin. The Pro version gives you more features. Here is a list of the Pro features:
- Safe Content filter: To ensure that your Google AdSense ads show only on those pages that seem to comply with Google AdSense policies, which can be important since some comments may render your pages inconsistent with those policies.
- IP filter: Ability to specify a list of computers where your ads will not be shown, in order to prevent accidental clicks on your own ads -- one of the main reasons AdSense bans you. These features will minimize your chance of getting banned.
- Compatibility mode: To solve the issue of the ad insertion messing up your page appearances when using some themes.
- Category/Post Control: Ability to suppress ads on specific categories, posts and pages.
- Shortcode Support: Show the ads only on the pages or posts you want, and exactly where you want them.
- Mobile Support: Ability to show different sets of ads on mobile devices, or to suppress ads.
- Excerpts: Ability to show a configurable number of ads on Excerpts (which make up the home page in some themes).
- Option Sets: Multiple option sets can be defined and easily switched between.
- Suspend Ads: Ability to temporarily suppress ad serving.
- Admin Interface Themes: Multiple color schemes for the admin interface.
- Ad Serving Statistics: Keep an eye on your ad serving statistics to make sure that Google is not shortchanging you. (Optional paid module)
The easiest way to install this plugin is to use the WordPress Admin interface. Go to your admin dashboard, find the "Plugins" menu, and click on "Add New". Search for this plugin and click on "Install Now" and follow the WordPress instructions.
If you want to download it and manually install, you can again use the WordPress dashboard interface. First download the plugin zip file to your local computer. Then go to your admin dashboard, find the "Plugins" menu, and click on "Add New". After clicking on the "Add New" menu item as above, click on "Upload" (below the title "Install Plugins" near the top). Browse for your downloaded zip file, upload it and activate the plugin.
Using Plugin Interface
Further updates (and Pro upgrades and module installations) to the plugin can be done easily from the plugin admin page itself, by clicking on the Updates button on the top right corner.
Although the Easy Plugin for AdSense plugin is designed to handle Google AdSense efficiently, there is nothing preventing you from using the text boxes to place any other kind of text in your blog posts and pages. In particular, you can use ad text from other providers, especially in the header and footer.
To install the professional version of the plugin, please deactivage the Lite version (if any) first. Then upload the zip file that you download after your purchase using the WordPress admin interface shown below.
The plugin is updated also by following the same process, preferably from the plugin Admin page where you will see a file-upload form when an update is ready. The first update for your purchased plugin is always free.
Change Log
- V9.30: Compatibility with WP4.8. Sunset edition. [Aug 1, 2017]
- V9.20: Compatibility with WP4.6. Many accumulated fixes and changes. Releasing the sunset version. [Oct 12, 2016]
- V9.10: Compatibility with WP4.5. [Apr 12, 2016]
- V9.08: Improvements in the Google Translator interface. Compatibility with multisite installaton of subdomain type. [Feb 28, 2016]
- V9.07: Minor interface and documentation changes. [Feb 25, 2016]
- V9.06: Work-around for servers that refuse to save ad code because of the script tag. [Feb 18, 2016]
- V9.05: Restricting Google Translate not to translate user-editable strings. Optimizing screenshots. [Feb 7, 2016]
- V9.04: Ensuring widget titles can be suppressed in Easy AdSense. [Jan 27, 2016]
- V9.03: Adding diagnostic information on the update page. [Jan 20, 2016]
- V9.02: Changes to make the plugin compatible with multisite installations. [Jan 14, 2016]
- V9.01: Adding a dev-friendly include to introduce local settings, if any. [Dec 30, 2015]
- V9.00: Compatibility with WordPress 4.4. [Dec 5, 2015]
- V8.92: Making the admin menu dynamic (optionally) in standalone mode. Improving DB layer error handling. [Nov 29, 2015]
- V8.91: Warning about PHP V5.4 requirement on the admin page. [Nov 8, 2015]
- V8.90: Admin pages in your language using Google translation. [Oct 22, 2015]
- V8.83: Renaming the Mobile_Detect class for compatibility. [Oct 14, 2015]
- V8.82: Improving the speed of admin page loading. [Sep 30, 2015]
- V8.81: Killing the option to allow update checks. [Sep 26, 2015]
- V8.80: Changes to make the plugin work on nginx and Microsoft servers. [Sep 20, 2015]
- V8.75: Ensuring usability on touch-screen devices. [Sep 17, 2015]
- V8.74: Removing some unused files. [Sep 15, 2015]
- V8.73: Reinstating the option to force the admin page loading, moving to a less colorful default theme. [Sep 14, 2015]
- V8.72: Minor refactoring changes. [Sep 12, 2015]
- V8.71: Adding the missing EzPlugin.php.[Sep 9, 2015]
- V8.70: Removing WP core file loading. [Sep 4, 2015]
- V8.61: Ensuring plugin admin files can be loaded in an iFrame. [Aug 19, 2015]
- V8.60: Compatibility with WordPress 4.3. [Aug 10, 2015]
- V8.53: Fixing the "Database Replace/Insert Error" that affected some servers. [Aug 8, 2015]
- V8.52: Fixing a bug in upgrade module. [Aug 5, 2015]
- V8.51: Fixing a bug in mobile detection. [Aug 1, 2015]
- V8.50: The plugin now remembers the last used tab. SQL schema change for better compatibility. Fixing a bug that may have caused the plugin not to display ads on some pages/posts. New option to control mid-text ad position in pro version. [Jul 30, 2015]
- V8.45: Minor improvements in setup, plugin active status check and AJAX functions. [Jul 26, 2015]
- V8.44: Minor changes in links. [Jun 25, 2015]
- V8.43: Documentation changes only. [Jun 18, 2015]
- V8.42: Fixing a bug that disabled suppressing widget titles. [May 22, 2015]
- V8.41: Admin page compatibility checks and improvements. [May 12, 2015]
- V8.40: Compatibility with WordPress 4.2. [April 25, 2015]
- V8.31: Minor fix for ajax-adsense compatibility. [April 19, 2015]
- V8.30: Releasing the lite version under the slug ajax-adsense. [April 15, 2015]
- V8.26: Improvements in the admin dashboard. [April 14, 2015]
- V8.25: Launching a demo site. [April 11, 2015]
- V8.24: Fixing a style that may have caused the admin page not to appear on some blogs. [April 3, 2014]
- V8.23: More compatibility checks. [April 2, 2015]
- V8.22: Minor fixes. [Mar 27, 2015]
- V8.21: Fixing a bug that prevented custom fields from working properly. [Mar 26, 2015]
- V8.20: WP version reverted to non-AJAX. [Mar 26, 2015]
- V8.15: Minor bug fix on search widget and ad suppression while not in loop. [Mar 25, 2015]
- V8.14: Adding error handling for updates. [Mar 24, 2015]
- V8.13: Serious bug fix related to multiple passes of the content filter. Introducing a verbosity option. [Mar 22, 2015]
- V8.12: Minor bug fixes, and adding diagnostic comments. [Mar 21, 2015]
- V8.11: Providing a downgrade path to the previous, non-AJAX version of the plugin. [Mar 19, 2015]
- V8.10: Providing a downgrade path to the previous, non-AJAX version of the plugin. [Mar 16, 2015]
- V8.09: Documentation and usability enhancements. [Mar 13, 2015]
- V8.08: Documentation and usability enhancements. [Mar 11, 2015]
- V8.07: More changes for compatibility with PHP5.30. [Mar 11, 2015]
- V8.06: Various accumulated fixes. [Mar 10, 2015]
- V8.05: Improvements in the login check functions. [Mar 9, 2015]
- V8.04: Getting rid of some variables in the global scope for compatibility with some themes. [Mar 8, 2015]
- V8.03: Killing anonymous functions for compatibility with PHP versions older than 5.3. [Mar 8, 2015]
- V8.02: Changes to the activation validation checks. [Mar 7, 2015]
- V8.01: Fixing a textarea overflow issue in the plugin admin page. [Mar 6, 2016]
- V8.00: Complete rewrite of the plugin with a lot more features. Admin page based on the twitter bootstrap framework. [Mar 1, 2015]
- V7.60: Compatibility with WP4.1. [Jan 8, 2015]
- V7.51: Renaming the plugin as requested by Google. [Nov 30, 2014]
- V7.50: Renaming the plugin as requested by Google. [Nov 30, 2014]
- V7.43: Admin page changes. [Oct 11, 2014]
- V7.42: Suppressing a session start error on mobile devices. [Sep 9, 2014]
- V7.41: Minor change to the admin interface. [Sep 9, 2014]
- V7.40: Compatibility with WP4.0. [Sep 6, 2014]
- V7.31: Additional commit to change the last updated date in the repository. [Aug 14, 2014]
- V7.30: Adding access to Google AdExchange opportunity for the users through a collaboration. [Aug 14, 2014]
- V7.22: Fixing some bugs related to the lead-in ad placements. [May 30, 2014]
- V7.21: Further refactoring and internationalization changes. [May 6, 2014]
- V7.20: Some refactoring changes. [Apr 18, 2014]
- V7.13: Bug fix. [Apr 10, 2014]
- V7.12: Auto migrating options to current version if needed. [Apr 2, 2014]
- V7.11: Minor fixes to the links on the widgets page. [Apr 2, 2014]
- V7.10: Coding improvements. [Apr 2, 2014]
- V7.02: Fixing a bug related to showing borders around ad blocks. [Apr 1, 2014]
- V7.01: Changes to show ads on home/front pages made up of full posts. Translation interface improvements. [Mar 29, 2014]
- V7.00: Major changes to the options data model and the translation interface. [Mar 21, 2014]
- V6.51: Adding options to suppress ads on sticky front page or search pages. [Jan 7, 2014]
- V6.50: Compatibility checks for WordPress V3.8. Admin page updates [Dec 17, 2013]
- V6.40: Compatibility checks for WordPress V3.7. Translation updates. [Nov 11, 2013]
- V6.31: Translation updates. Documentation changes. [Aug 22, 2013]
- V6.30: Compatibility with WP3.6. [Aug 8, 2013]
- V6.23: New option to suppress the red placeholder boxes that annoy some users. [Jul 27, 2013]
- V6.22: New option to prevent line-breaks in ad insertion. [Jul 3, 2013]
- V6.21: Updating a few translations. Minor changes to the admin page. [Jun 10, 2013]
- V6.20: Correcting W3C markup validation errors on the admin page. [Apr 27, 2013]
- V6.10: Fixing a cross-site request forgery vulnerability. (Credit: Charlie Eriksen via Secunia SVCRP.) [Apr 27, 2013]
- V6.06: More translation updates, better session handling. [Mar 29, 2013]
- V6.05: Updating a few translations. Minor changes to the support module. [Feb 16, 2013]
- V6.04: Bug fixes (Fatal error: Call-time pass-by-reference has been removed). [Jan 27, 2013]
- V6.03: Documentation changes, testing with WP3.5, translation updates. [Dec 22, 2012]
- V6.02: Fixing the incompatibility with Jetpack. [Dec 17, 2012]
- V6.01: Updating a few translations. [Dec 5, 2012]
- V6.00: Major re-organization of the code. [Nov 1, 2012]
- V5.24: Fixing some warning notices. [Oct 27, 2012]
- V5.23: The above-header placement does not mess up the RSS feed now. [Oct 27, 2012]
- V5.22: Adding a user support link on the admin page. [Oct 5, 2012]
- V5.21: Minor bug fix. [Sep 24, 2012]
- V5.20: Admin interface modifications. Updating some translations. [Sep 21, 2012]
- V5.19: Updating zh_CN translation. [Sep 15, 2012]
- V5.18: Coding improvements: refactoring, minor fixes. [Aug 30, 2012]
- V5.17: Taking care of some debug notices from WordPress debug mode. [Aug 27, 2012]
- V5.16: Adding nl_NL translation. [Aug 12, 2012]
- V5.15: Minor changes to the admin page. [July 18, 2012]
- V5.14: Testing compatibility with WP 3.4. [July 10, 2012]
- V5.13: Updating translations. Adding some text on the admin page about rating. [June 12, 2012]
- V5.12: Documentation and admin updates. Translation interface changes. [May 24, 2012]
- V5.11: Renaming the plugin -- dropping the word Lite, and other minor documentation changes. [May 7, 2012]
- V5.10: Updating a few translations (only change). [Apr 18, 2012]
- V5.09: Updating a few translations, consolidating image resources and trimming auxiliary files. New option to suppress invitations to upgrade the plugin. [Mar 20, 2012]
- V5.08: Fixing a bug in enforcing the limit on the number of adsense blocks. Updating translations. [Jan 8, 2012]
- V5.07: Minor fixes. [Nov 16, 2011]
- V5.06: Code clean up -- removing unused functions, indenting the code. [Nov 15, 2011]
- V5.05: Minor bug fixes. [Nov 15, 2011]
- V5.04: Updating Korean translation [.mo file was missing in V5.03]. [Nov 13, 2011]
- V5.03: Releasing Korean translation and updating Thai translation. Admin interface changes. [Nov 12, 2011]
- V5.02: Removing unused code and trimming readme.txt. [Nov 3, 2011]
- V5.01: Documentation changes. [Oct 31, 2011]
- V5.00: Moving the old Pro features to the Lite edition, and releasing it. [Oct 25, 2011]
- V4.10: Removing unused, legacy code. [Oct 8, 2011]
- V4.09: Simplifying
. [Oct 6, 2011] - V4.08: Releasing updated translations. [Oct 4, 2011]
- V4.07: Changes to translation interface. [Sep 13, 2011]
- V4.06: Another minor bug fix. [Aug 31, 2011]
- V4.05: Documentation and admin-page display changes. Non-critical. [Aug 30, 2011]
- V4.04: Another bug fix. [Aug 29, 2011]
- V4.03: Simplifying the code, removing unused functions etc. and minor bug fixes. [Aug 25, 2011]
- V4.02: Critical bug fix. [Aug 21, 2011]
- V4.01: Minor changes to support and info links on the admin page. [Aug 7, 2011]
- V4.00: First commercial release. [July 30, 2011]
- V3.02: Documentation changes. [July 3, 2011]
- V3.01: Ensured compatibility with WordPress 3.2. [June 17, 2011]
- V3.00: Multiple translation updates and changes to default ads. [June 12, 2011]
- V2.99: Emergency bug fix. [Oct 18, 2010]
- V2.98: More translation updates and support options, and Admin interface changes. [Oct 15, 2010]
- V2.97: Suppressing ads in feeds (user request), changing default and shared ads, and translation update (
). [Oct 2, 2010] - V2.96: Translation updates. Minor bug fixes and enhancements. [Sep 16, 2010]
- V2.95: Documentation (FAQ) and default changes. [Aug 18, 2010]
- V2.94: More performance optimizations and minor bug fixes. [Aug 12, 2010]
- V2.93: Performance optimization, updating some translations, and changing the default and shared ads (to publicize the author's books and to include other providers). [Aug 10, 2010]
- V2.92: Major revamping of default ads: The default (and shared) ads have been changed to referral images. The text boxes on the admin page now show a reminder to generate and paste your AdSense code. [June 27, 2010]
- V2.91: Updated some translations and added a new reminder on Google policy. [May 20, 2010]
- V2.90: Updated the Russian translation. [Apr 10, 2010]
- V2.89: Updated translations (
). [Mar 20, 2010] - V2.88: A minor fix on the number of adsense blocks on a page. [Mar 6, 2010]
- V2.87: Disabling ads in feeds if header placements are chosen (bug fix). Adding warning on potential incompatibility between some header/footer position options and other WordPress widgets/plugins. [Feb 9, 2010]
- V2.86: Re-enabling header options: Above/below header options stopped working in WP2.91. Here is a fix.[Jan 30, 2010]
- V2.85: Minor bug fixes: some margin settings (on widget and link-unit) were not updating. [Jan 27, 2010]
- V2.84: New feature: Display adsense blocks based on the post length. Possible bug fix: suppress RSS feeds filtering. [Jan 22, 2010]
- V2.83: Bug fix (ads on admin pages). New translation (Danish
). Updating several translations. [Dec 10, 2009] - V2.82: Option to suppress in-line style statements so that you can use your style.css to control the adsense blocks. Updating a few translations (
). [Oct 25, 2009] - V2.81: New text wrapping options around adsense blocks. Updating a few translations (
), and releasing Norwegian (nb_NO
), and Thai (th_TH
). [Oct 14, 2009] - V2.80: Code clean up, updated Italian and new Ukrainian (
) translations. [Sept 24, 2009] - V2.79: Updating some translations (
). [Sept 7, 2009] - V2.78: More translations. Minor bug fixes (to silence
warnings). [Sept 1, 2009] - V2.77: French Translation, finally! [August 22, 2009]
- V2.76: Releasing new Arabic, and updated German and Indonesian translations. [Aug 19, 2009]
- V2.75: Improvements on the header and footer options. Partially switching to ClickBank for the donated ad slots. Releasing more translations. [August 10, 2009]
- V2.73: A long overdue option for putting adsense blocks near the header and footer. Preparation to use other ad providers (ClickBank for now) in the donated ad slots. [August 2, 2009]
- V2.72: A bug fix related to suppressing the search box and link units titles. [July 30, 2009]
- V2.71: Option to tweak the margins on ad-blocks, as requested by some users. [July 29, 2009]
- V2.70: New option to suppress widget titles. [July 25, 2009]
- V2.64: Releasing
translation. [July 22, 2009] - V2.63: New translation in Russian (
). Updated translations: Portuguese (pt_BR
), Simplified Chinese (zh_CN
). [July 18, 2009] - V2.62: Attempts to fix automatic update and install issues. Improved documentation highlighting ad space sharing. Not an essential update, but any feedback will be appreciated. [July 16, 2009]
- V2.61: Improvements to the translation tool. (English users don't need to update.) [July 14, 2009]
- V2.60: Translation tool (called Easy Translator) for internationalization. English (en_US) users will see no difference, and have no reason to update. [July 12, 2009]
- V2.59: Option to suppress ads on attachment pages. Simplified Chinese translation. [July 8, 2009]
- V2.58: Admin page enhancements. [July 2, 2009]
- V2.57: Removing min-max enforcing on ad space sharing. [June 30, 2009]
- V2.56: Fixing a typo in
. [June 26, 2009] - V2.55: Fixing the issue with submit buttons in IE8. [June 23, 2009]
- V2.54: Providing
for compatibility with older versions of PHP. [June 23, 2009] - V2.53: The
s containing the adsense code have class names set so that they can be controlled from the theme CSS. The shared ad-slots are of the same size and show only text ads now. [June 23, 2009] - V2.52: German translation. [June 20,2009]
- V2.51: Widgets modified to handle the new Widgets API in WP2.8+. (Fully backward compatible.) [June 13, 2009]
- V2.50: Option to suppress ads on category/tag/archive pages -- requested feature. Changing the plugin name (dropping the last "r"). Configurable ad-space sharing to support the plugin development. [June 12, 2009]
- V2.41: Option to change the mouse-over border color and width for the ad blocks. Also, option to enable mouse-over decoration for the sidebar widget and link units. [June 6, 2009]
- V2.40: Major improvements on the admin page. Sponsored links on the admin page. Adding a requested Feature: Option to suppress ad blocks in front page/home page. [May 29, 2009]
- V2.38: Fixing a but that prevented the Google search title from being displayed. [May 22, 2009]
- V2.37: Belarusian translation. [May 11, 2009]
- V2.36: Turkish translation. [May 4, 2009]
- V2.35: Added some HTML comments in the page with version number and ad block sequence number for easy trouble shooting. [May 1, 2009]
- V2.34: A new option to put a border around the ad blocks as a mouse over decoration. [April 28, 2009]
- V2.33: More fixes to finally make the admin page totally "Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional." Also releasing translation in Bahasa Indonesia [April 17, 2009]
- V2.32: Minor bug fixes related to W3 Validation. [April 13, 2009]
- V2.31: Updating some language files and correcting minor SVN commit errors. [April 12, 2009]
- V2.30: Major overhaul of the interface. New clean look with javascript tooltips hiding details. New options to clean up the database entries and uninstall the plugin. [April 12, 2009]
- V2.26: An option to show ads only in blog posts (and not on pages). [April 9, 2009]
- V2.25: More robust handling of internationalization. [April 4, 2009]
- V2.24: Releasing in Italian, revising Spanish. [April 3, 2009]
- V2.23: Releasing in Portuguese. [March 29, 2009]
- V2.22: Releasing in Spanish and French. [March 28, 2009]
- V2.21: Internationalization -- second pass with my own localization in francais (pathetic though the translation is). [March 26, 2009]
- V2.20: Internationalization (I18n) -- first pass. [March 26, 2009]
- V2.11: Bug fix: the plugin wasn't gracefully handling posts with no custom fields. [March 10, 2009]
- V2.10: Adding more control over displaying AdSense blocks in individual posts/pages. [March 8, 2009]
- V2.01: An option to prioritize the sidebar widget when enforcing the Google policy of not more than three ad blocks. [March 3, 2009]
- V2.00: [Feb 22, 2009]
- New widget for Link units.
- Complete revamping of the settings page, including an option to reload default settings.
- Coding improvements, including separating the HTML of the setting page from the PHP file.
- Ability to center ad blocks. [Due to this new feature, you may have to re-enter the alignment options of your existing ads if you are upgrading from an earlier version.]
- V1.82: Option to remove all back-links to my blog, by user demand. Option to force mid-text ad-block even in short posts. [Feb 15, 2009]
- V1.81: Simplifying the options on Google policy and limiting link-backs. [Feb 12, 2009]
- V1.80: An option to limit link-backs, and to show ad blocks in feeds. [Feb 7, 2009]
- V1.70: An option on Google policy -- to have two ad blocks plus the side bar widget, three ad blocks (with or without the side bar widget) or none at all. [Jan 25, 2009]
- V1.61: Restricting the "Easy AdSense by Unreal" plug only to posts and pages. [Jan 18, 2009]
- V1.60: Enforcing the Google AdSense policy of three ad blocks or less per page. [Jan 16, 2009]
- V1.50: Another sidebar widget for Google search, making this plugin a complete solution for all things AdSense-related. [Jan 7, 2009]
- V1.40: A sidebar widget. [Jan 2, 2009]
- V1.30: Theme-specific configurations saved, so that if you switch back and forth between themes, you don't have to change the settings. [Dec 28, 2008]
- V1.20: Tested with WordPress 2.7. Style modifications in the Admin-menu page to match the new WordPress. [Dec 13, 2008]
- V1.10: Use of WordPress style sheets for better look and feel integration. Coding improvements. [Dec. 7, 2008]
- V1.02: Added "Settings" link to the WP plugin page. [Nov 30, 2008]
- V1.01: Minor fix for restricting the filter to single posts. [Nov 29, 2008]
- V1.00: Initial release. [Nov 27, 2008]
Frequently Asked Questions
Why does my home/front page show no ads?
Ads are inserted by attaching a filter to the contents. If your home/front page is made up of full posts, the content filter will apply and you will see ads. On the other hand, if your home/front page is made up of excerpts (snippets of post contents), the content filter doesn't apply.
It is possible to apply the filter on excerpts as well. But then, we have to make sure that it applies only to the first three excerpts (to comply with Google policy). This feature is implemented in the Pro version of the plugin.
I just activated the plugin. How come I don't see any ads in my blog?
Note that you have to generate your adsense code from Google, and paste the entire code in the text boxes, replacing the existing text. There are three main text boxes corresponding to three ad locations - Lead-in, Mid-text and Lead-out. If you don't want to use a particular location, please suppress it by selecting the appropriate option. Otherwise, the plugin will show a red box (if you are logged in as admin) indicating where your ad would be shown.
If you just created the new Google AdSense code, it may not be active yet. Google takes about ten minutes or so before serving ads. Please try again later.
I activated the plugin, and I see a lot of red boxes on my blog posts your ads will be inserted here. How do I get rid of them?
Easy Plugin for AdSense draws a red box on your blog posts to show where the ads would be shown if you entered the ad code on its admin page. (These boxes are shown only if you are logged in as admin.) This is meant to serve as a reminder for you to go to the admin page and enter the ad code. If you would like to suppress them, check the option "Suppress Placement Boxes" in the Pro section. The right thing to do, however, would be to enter your ad codes in the text boxes for each ad slot, or suppress the ad slot in the Ad Alignment panel.
I cannot figure out how to suppress a particular ad slot. Do I have to display all three ad slots all the time?
Of course not. The option to suppress the ad slots is in the Ad Alignment panel.
What are the different versions of the plugin?
Easy Plugin for AdSense is the freely distributed version of a premium plugin. The Pro version gives you more features -- it lets you activate a filter to ensure that your ads show only on those pages that seem to comply with Google AdSense policies. It also lets you specify a list of computers where your ads will not be shown, in order to prevent accidental clicks on your own ads -- one of the main reasons AdSense bans you. These features will minimize your chance of getting banned. It also has full support of mobile devices, and supports per category and per post ad suppression. The Pro version costs $7.95.
How can I contact the plugin author if I need help?
This plugin uses a paid support model in order to manage the support load. Each support ticket will be charged at $0.95 for the Lite version (and for the Pro version after a short free support period). The support ticket is valid for 72 hours, and further follow-up questions will call for a new support ticket.
I don't understand the Pro features. Porn and site block - can't you set those during Asdense ad setup?
What you have in AdSense is an ability to block ads from certain sites. For instance, if you don't like ads from my site "thulasidas.com", you can block them. What the pro version gives you is the ability to block ads to certain clients. That is, if you don't want visitors from certain IP addresses see your ads (because they may click on too many of them, getting your AdSense account banned, for instance), you can with my plugin.
Porn block also is similar -- Google lets you choose non-porn ads (I think). What my plugin does is to look at the content of your page, and block ads if it looks like a porn page. (This can happen if a spammer posts a porn kind of comment on your blog, which again may get your AdSense account banned.)
The placement option for lead-in adsense block in the header doesn't work the way I like. Can you fix it?
Short answer: No, I couldn't figure out how to do it better.
Long answer: This option works by adding an action to a hook in WordPress. I could not find a hook that would get activated right after the <body>
tag in the generated HTML, and right after the header image is placed (and before the sidebars are inserted). If you know the hook names, please let me know. Also, if your theme has "side" bars near the header and footer (north and south sidebars), there may be conflicts between add_action
hooks resulting in unexpected behavior.
Note that the Below Header
and End of Page
options are hacks that may not be compatible with the WordPress default widget for Recent Posts
or anything else that may use DB queries or loops. If you have problems with your sidebars and/or font sizes, please choose some other Position
How can I control the appearance of the adsense using CSS?
All <div>
s that Easy Plugin for AdSense creates have the class attribute adsense
. Furthermore, they have class attributes like adsense-leadin
, adsense-midtext
, adsense-leadout
, adsense-widget
and adsense-lu
depending on the type. You can set the style for these classes in your theme style.css
to control their appearance.
Can I control how the adsense blocks are formatted in each page?
Yes! Now, in V2.1+, you have more options (using Custom Fields) to control adsense blocks in individual posts/pages. Add custom fields with keys like adsense-top
, adsense-middle
, adsense-bottom
, adsense-widget
, adsense-search
and with values like left
, right
, center
or no
to have control how the Google adsense blocks show up in each post or page. A Custom Field adsense
with value no
suppresses all AdSense ad blocks in the post or page.
How do I use shortcodes?
In the Pro version of this plugin, you can control the ad placements using the shortcode [adsense]
in your blog posts and pages. If you would like to place your ads using shortcodes, please enable it on the Pro page. You can also specify a second argument like [adsense leadin]
to insert the lead-in ad, for example. The second argument can be leadin
, midpost
, or leadout
By default, only those ads specified by the shortcode will be displayed (when shortcodes are enabled). You can specify how the plugin handles shortcode priority using a drop-down menu. You have these choices:
- Do auto placements if shortcode is missing
- Do not place any ads if shortcode is missing
- Always ignore shortcodes and do only auto placement
- Do not place any ads in posts/pages
The last option effectively disables the plugin for the body of posts and pages, leaving the widgets unaffected.
I find this easy plugin too complex with too many options. Any alternatives?
If you feel that the features of Easy Plugin for AdSense are a bit too much, consider my lean and mean AdSense plugin AdSense Now!
I am having a difficult time getting the middle of post ads to show. They show in some posts, but not all of them. Any possible recommendations?
The middle ads are designed to show up only on long posts (of more than 20 paragraphs). Use the option to force the mid-text ads (in v1.82+) to override this length check.
Can I go back to the previous version of the plugin? I don't like the modern bootstrap/AJAX interface.
You can download the previous version and install it. First deactivate and delete the latest version of the plugin, and then follow the Uploading method under the Installation section of this document. The new version uses an completely different options model, and your old options are left intact in your database, so that you can go back anytime.
Why do I get error message saying something about direct access to plugin files?
This plugin admin interface is designed with a loosely coupled architecture, which means it interacts with the WordPress core only for certain essential services (login check, plugin activation status, database access etc). Loosely coupled systems tend to be more robust and flexible than tightly integrated ones because they make fewer assumptions about each other. My plugin admin pages are fairly independent, and do not pollute the global scope or leak the style directives or JavaScript functions. In order to achieve this, they are loaded in iFrames within the WordPress admin interface.
Your web server needs direct access to the plugin files to load anything in an iFrame. Some aggressive security settings block this kind of access, usually through an .htaccess
file in your wp-content
or plugins
folders, which is why this plugin gives a corresponding error message if it detects inability to access the files (checked through a file_get_contents
call on a plugin file URL). But some systems implement further blocks specifically on file_get_contents
or on iFrames with specific styles (using mod_securty
rules, for instance), which is why the plugin provides a means to override this auto-detection and force the admin page.
Is the direct access to plugin files a security hole?
Note that it is only your own webserver that needs direct access to the PHP files. The reason for preventing such access is that a hacker might be able to upload a malicious PHP (or other executable script) to your web host, which your webserver will run if asked to. Such a concern is valid only on systems where you explicitly permit unchecked file uploads. For instance, if anyone can upload any file to your media folder, and your media folder is not protected against direct access and script execution, you have given the potential hacker an attack vector. This plugin has no upload facility, so allowing your webserver to serve the plugin admin files in an iFrame is completely safe, in my judgement.
Digital Goods

See Also: Other plugins
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